Sunday, February 2, 2014

What Wave?

Dear Family,

¨What wave?¨ That´s how you say ¨What´s up¨in Spanish. There´s a lot of fun things like that here in Guatemala. I continue to love all of your emails and letters and I can always feel your support!

My companion Elder C. said something that I really like this week. In spanish the word for faith is ¨fe¨(fay). He gave our area the new name of Calahuafe (Calawafay). That made me laugh a little bit. We really enjoy working hard in the area and sharing this gospel with as many people as we can.

This week in the work we had some pretty awesome experiences with a man named J. He is an older man and his wife passed away in October. He lives alone but he is very very open and receptive to the gospel. Last week we tried really hard to teach him how to pray. He´s only done memorized prayer his whole life so talking openly with his father in heaven is a really new thing for him. We had a lesson this week when he gave the closing prayer and he gave a very heart felt prayer. It was so simple but we could tell that he knew that he was talking with God. The sprit was pretty strong and we could really feel God´s love for him as he gave that simple heartfelt prayer. 

I thought you all might like to know a little bit about our schedule of the day. In the mornings we get up at 6:30 and I always do a little bit of exercise in the house and then get prepared for the day. I make some breakfast and I usually have some cereal, yogurt, toast, or oatmeal and when I feel up to it, some days I will make pancakes which are super yummy. We study in the morning from 8 until 11. Since I´m newer in the mission I do an extra hour to learn more and do some training. We work for a couple hours and then we go to the cocinera´s (cook´s) house at 1 to eat lunch. She is very nice and always makes us Elders something really good. We go back to the house to study for another hour and then head out to work at 3. We will visit some of our investigators or contact people from house to house. We eat dinner at a families house at 8. They are really fun and we are basically part of their family. We usually head home at about 9 and plan for the next day and then get ready for bed at 10:30. I really love the schedule and it is so perfect for us!

This week I´ve had some awesome experiences with the scriptures. Before I left for the mission I had memorized some scriptures in spanish. I think it has really helped me up to this point because my pronunciation has gotten pretty good. While I´ve been in the field I haven´t really memorized any more but early this week I really felt the impression to start doing it again. I´ve now challenged myself to memorize a scipture in spanish every day for the rest of my mission. I think I have done it 6 days in a row so far and it blesses me so much! It really helps me have desires to work hard and love the work and I really feel so immersed in the words of life. We´ll see if next week I can say I´ve memorized a scripture each day but I really hope I can do it! There are so many scriptures that say that if we study and have the scriptures in our hearts we will always know what to say to the people. I really think this will bless me with the Spirit each day and help me know what the Lord wants me to say to these wonderful people here in Guatemala.

I can´t tell you all how much I just love this gospel. I must have said that too many times already but it is so true! I am so grateful for the Atonement of our Savior and that I am one of his choice servants to carry the news of hope and forgiveness to God´s children! I love you all so much!

Elder Jensen

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