Sunday, August 16, 2015

Back to San Felipe!

Saying goodbye to E.Merrill and hello to my replacement E. Vences (from Texas)

Dear Family,

AHHHHHH! That is the sound that my legs would make if they could talk. It has been a super fun time being back in the field but my legs are still trying to get used to walking all day again so that`s been interesting. Especially since our area where we work is super far out of town and we have to walk home since there aren`t buses. It`s just a comment though, not complaining! I am actually loving my time here in San Felipe and getting back to working my heart out.

On Monday E. Merrill and I get to plan out all the crazy transportation to work out the 13 emergency changes that had been planned. Luckily everything was smooth and I was able to make it to San Felipe with only one suitcase since I left a ton of stuff in the office house (hopefully the stuff will still be there in a few months). It has been fun seeing all the people I knew and served with when I was in San Felipe almost a year and a half ago. Surprisingly a lot of members remember me and were super happy to see me back in the stake. Actually some of them have already given me some meals!

President Ruiz came and visited the zone on Wednesday and announced a little about a cool play/show that the missionaries of the office are going to put on this week that way we can bring a ton of investigators and less active members. They are going to act out the first missionary lesson, the restoration. I got to help plan a bit of this when I was in the office and part of the show will be the Jenga example I`ve always used but with giant blocks! It should be cool. Pres. also shared a cool message about how the first Japanese deep sea fishers couldn´t figure out how to bring back all the fish they caught in good condition. They tried freezing them but they didn`t taste the same. They tried putting them in a tank but they wouldn`t swim and they would lose their freshness. We then learned they figured out to put a small shark in tank to keep the fish moving and they would come back fresh and delicious to eat. He applied that it is good for us to have challenges and struggles on our missions and in life (the little shark) because if things are always good and we have no struggles we won`t grow. It was a super cool message.

I think the highlight of my week was that I went to a part of the zone called Pueblo Nuevo to help out the missionaries a little bit. Well, in their house they have a hot shower! I can`t tell you how hard it was to get out of that shower considering I have only had like 3 or 4 hot showers my whole mission! It was incredible!!

My new companion E. Lagos is from Costa Rica (1 or only 3 missionaries from there) and he is super awesome. He told me a little about all that happened for him to come on the mission and it is an incredible story. He was baptized pretty young but never returned to the church. When he was almost 18 he finally returned to live with his family (he had been playing soccer his whole life) and they helped him a lot to come back to church and decide to go on a mission. He is super awesome and I am so glad that we get to be comps. He is a lot like E. Gavarrete so it has been fun! 

Oh, I also got to give a talk this week (and it sounds like you all did too). It was super fun to talk again about the Japanese candy and how fun it was for me to share that with my friends when I got back to the states. This time I got to add the fun note that you all are living there again and that I would definitely share some candy with the members from my next package. I also added another fun story when I first saw another Elder add Nesquik to his corn flakes. I had eaten a lot of bland corn flakes my whole mission but when I saw his `example` it made me want to try it and since then I have discovered the genius of Nesquik on cornflakes. That was my attempt to be creative in my talk. It went really well and I got some good compliments and requests for Japanese candy!

I am so excited to work as hard as I can this coming week and tell you all about the amazing people that the Lord will put in our path!

Elder Jensen

In a tricycle type thing with Elder Wilden

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