Elder Gavarrete and I have just had
a great time together. We have also had some very spiritual experiences that
have just grown our testimonies so, so much! During this past week we were
working hard during the morning to find new people to teach. It was super hot
and we both had wet shirts from our sweat. It was almost time to go to lunch
but we both decided to work a little bit more until the last moment. My
companion suggested we try to contact at the very edge of our area limit. We
went and came across an older lady who we just invited to church at her door.
She said her name was F. and she accepted right away the invitation to come and
visit church on Sunday. She said it is hard for her to walk but she was going
to make it Sunday.
On Sunday we were both so surprised
when we saw F. making her way slowly up the stairs of the church! It turns out
that she actually had some good friends there in the ward and she had a
wonderful experience. We felt impressed to go and visit her later on Sunday and
invite her to prepare for baptism for the 9th of May. Well, we went and taught
powerfully with the Spirit and right in that moment she even set the time of
day she wanted to be baptized! It was so incredible! But even more incredible,
she told us that she wasn´t married yet with her current husband. We explained
that we could help and that there was a member of the ward that is a lawyer
that would do the marriage. Well right as we were talking about that her
husband entered the house from work. His name is L. C. We got to meet him a
little bit and then boldly invited him to be married and baptized with his wife
and he accepted! He even is going to change his work schedule to not work on
Sundays so he and his wife can be faithful members together!
This family is so special to me and
as we left their home I remembered a scripture from Alma:
“Therefore, blessed are they
who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble;
or rather, in other words, blessed is he that believeth in the word of
God, and is baptized without stubbornness of heart, yea, without
being brought to know the word, or even compelled to know, before they will
believe.” - Alma 32:16
Well, that was definitely my
spiritual high moment of the week. We are also excited for E. and P. which is
another family that I have gotten to teach since I got to Mazate and right now
they are finishing their puzzle that we made for them so that they can me
baptized the 2nd of May (this Saturday)! We will pray hard for them and
continue to visit them with more families in the ward!

I have become a fanatic of this
amazing blue dust that we have found in the book stores. The baptismal font in
our chapel always spits out green water and it looks really bad. Well, we
discovered this blue dust that you can throw in the water and it changes to
blue! We had always used a light blue colored but I wanted to get creative this
week and use a really really blue shade. It sure worked and the water was so
blue but so were my arms and my shirt! Oops! I think next time we will stick
with the light blue because I looked a little bit like a smurf that day as we
filled up the font.
I had a fun time giving an
inspirational message to the zone this week. I had a DVD made of the scene from
“Facing the Giants” (a football movie). It is the ´Death Crawl´ scene from that
movie and it is super inspirational. I showed it to the missionaries and
applied it to the work, that we need to give everything to the Lord in these
short 2 years and that even though we think we might not be able to achieve a
lot we really can work miracles if we give our all! Some Elders even did some
push-ups which was fun.
I am so glad to be on the Lord´s
errand and helping him touch the hearts of his children! There are thousands of
people waiting for us, F. and L. C. are just a small example of that. I am
excited to go and find more of these prepared souls!
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