Wow! We had some really incredible experiences this
week. I wish I could just tell you guys all the awesome stuff that happens in a
week but I´ll give it a try right now.
First of all, we had 2
really cool baptisms this last Saturday. We have been teaching the oldest brother
in the G. family for a couple of weeks and it was so amazing how prepared he
was and how strong of a testimony he gained by the Spirit. He prayed sincerely
after our first visit with him and the next time we met he explained a very
powerful answer from the Spirit and since then he has just progressed in the
gospel and was baptized this past Saturday. Also we were blessed because his neighbor, Je. (who is a young
girl), decided that she was going to be baptized this Saturday and nobody was going to stop her. She told us
that she had prayed to know if she should be baptized. She has read each day in the Book of Mormon
and was so happy to be baptized and confirmed. She told us she will be a
missionary when she grows up.
Another one of the
people we are teaching had a great experience this week. A., who we have been
teaching for about a month, has been reading the Book of Mormon for almost a
month and has read almost to Alma and really gained a strong testimony of the
Book of Mormon (her copy is more marked than mine). We have talked to her a lot
about baptism but there were some doubts that were bugging her. We had the
impression to give her a copy of the book ´Our Search for Happiness´ by Elder
Ballard. I think she almost read the whole book in a day because when that Sunday came we found that she was seated in the
church even before us (even though she told us she wouldn´t be attending this
week). I was really surprised to see her there and I sat near her and the first
thing she told me is ´ I am going to be baptized´. I wasn´t sure what to say! I
was just so glad we had followed the prompting to give her that book and let an
apostle of the Lord explain the importance of the restored gospel! Afterwards
she told us ´Now I finally understand the need for priesthood authority´. I
guess the apostles are called for a reason. We will be working with her so that
she can be baptized this week.
Also, this past Sunday as we were walking a long we passed someone
who was seated outside his house and as we walked past him I felt the need to
talk to him. We kind of walked back to him after passing him (which always kind
of scares people but oh well) and started to talk a little bit. We found out
that he had actually lived in Utah for like 3 years. After about a couple hours of talking (because
people love to talk here!) we found out that his name was G. and he had joined
the church in Utah and had actually helped to build a few temples there (from
the outside) and just went on and on about how great Utah is and how great the
church is. It was kind of surreal to talk to him because I never would have
guessed that. We talked and found that he was just waiting for someone to
invite him because he felt a little scared to come back to church. We also
found out that his little brothers, who are twins, are active members here in
Santo Domingo. I´m looking forward to see if he gets the courage to come back
to the church and maybe help us out in Santo Domingo.
I feel just so lucky to
get to serve with so many amazing people that really love the Savior Jesus
Christ. I think the more that I love the culture and the people here I grow to
love the work here and see these people´s lives be blessed by the restored
Elder Jensen
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