Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Birthday Present

Baptism of L. This is a good friend of B., who we baptized as well. He doesn´t look terribly excited in the picture but he was anxiously waiting for this moment, he wanted to be baptized real bad.

Dear Family,

It’s hard to believe that I have 19 years (that`s how you say it in Spanish). I`ve really enjoyed seeing peoples jaws drop when I told them I`m 18 and they had thought I was 25 or something. 

Well, I think that yesterday I got one of my best birthday presents. I had been trying to figure out a way to bring more people to Sacrament Meeting in our area and it seems like the Lord kept telling me that I needed to do a fast to help give a desire to the people we are teaching and help them have a good experience in the church. I started my fast Saturday and when Sunday came we divided with the members to be able to bring more people (like we always do). We had some help from a member with a truck and with a lot of prayers and work we saw an awesome miracle. In the meeting we had 11 investigators! I can`t tell you how happy I was as we sat in the meeting and I saw all the people that we have been teaching and to see them enjoy the spirit of the meeting. Not to mention how grateful I was to the Lord for answering my prayers!

We had also been working this week to help a good friend of one of the recent converts (B.) to get permission from his parents and grandparents to be baptized. His name is L. He had such a huge desire and had gone to all the meetings of the church for a while and the Lord helped soften the heart of his family and they began to support him in this decision to be baptized and his grandma who initially was very opposed came to his baptism service to support him as he follows the Savior!

We are also going to pray hard to know the needs of the prepared families we are teaching so that they can accept the invitation to follow the Savior and return to his presence once again. The family that I mentioned last week that are both police are still far away working but I`ve had some great conversations with the husband over the phone and he is reading the Book of Mormon! I just feel so blessed to be a part in all these cool miracles!

The weather has been strange because ever since we had a fairly strong earthquake a week ago it hasn`t rained. I can`t complain much because it`s nice to not have to shout in the lessons for the noise of the rain but it has started to get a little hot. But either way the work goes on.

Thank you so much for being there for me and helping me feel stronger. I don`t think there is anywhere that I`d rather be than serving the Lord each day with such wonderful people.


Elder Jensen

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