On divisions |
Dear Family,
You have no idea how hard it is to fit all the events of the week in one little email! I wish I could just tell you all the crazy stories from this week!
We really had some very spiritual moments this week. Early in the week I remember saying a very sincere prayer asking for help from the Lord to find prepared people, people who are literally just waiting for us to show up at their door. Well, we prayed for that and then got on our feet and set out to find this person! We did our part and the Lord did his! We went to a remote part of the city and came across a single mom who we asked ´what do you think of when you here the word momon? ´ She yelled, I´m Mormon! We got to meet her kids and found out that she had just moved from the capital and felt very lonely and hasn´t searched for the church yet. She was just so so happy to see us and she wants to help her 10 year old son to be baptized this Saturday! Her name is E. and her son´s name is A. God answered our sincere prayer!
The most memorable moment of the week was the baptism of I. and her 2 kids, B. and L.. I still remember the first moment we found I. in her house and the tears she shed when we explained that her daughter that passed away wasn´t lost, but if she strived to keep the Lord´s commandments she could return to live with her daughter and since that moment she has done everything to obey the Lord and was baptized on Saturday! After the baptism I was looking out one of the windows of the church and I saw an amazing view of the sky and just felt that the Lord was so pleased in the N. family and pleased for all our efforts to find and teach them! It was a special moment for all of us.
We have worked as hard as we can this past week and we are helping E. and his wife S. and their 2 kids (C. and D.) to be ready for their baptism this Saturday. This is just another testimony of how powerful God is and how he works miracles like this family (the C. family). The member who presented us (who is from Malacatan) is coming saturday for the baptism and it will be an amazing moment. Also getting baptized this Saturday is A., someone that we found because his door said ´don´t knock´ (´no tocar´ in spanish, I sent a picture of that a few weeks ago, well that is the moment when we found A.). He´s about 24 years old and is super super smart and has loved reading the Book of Mormon! These are just miracles!
On Saturday morning we went to San Francisco to help a family finish up their to-do´s of the house so that they would have time to attend church
on Sunday. We put up a plastic sheet as a wall so their chickens couldn´t escape but their was an insane amount of mosquitos and I even got bit on my ears and chin, that wasn´t the best.
The sister who lived their let me bathe her dog but she gave me this nasty soap that is made from cow and pig fat and also from ashes and it is like one of the worst things I have smelled. Yeah, and the smell didn´t come out of my hands for a good 24 hours. I felt like I had the force because if I put my hand close to anyone they just backed up.
I have noticed a few phenomenons this week. First, almost every time I call investigators to remind them of our appointment or to remind them about church they almost never answer the phone. The strange thing is right when I pass the phone to my companion he calls and on the first attempt they always answer! I don´t understand why! Also there were like 5 times this week where I would get my hands full of soap to wash my hands and discover that there is no water in our house. I am now an expert at getting soap off my hands with toilet paper.
Soda is pretty much part of the food pyramid here in Guatemala. The cool thing is that there are so many crazy flavors of soda so people don´t get board of the same stuff. Well, the other day some members put a huge 3 liter bottle of this apple flavored soda which was super delicious. It was also a super hot day and before we knew it my companion and I had drunken the whole thing! I don´t know how we did it, I just know that these same members stopped putting the whole bottle on the table (scared that we will finish it). We had a good laugh about that.
I am so grateful that the Lord continues to lead us to prepared people and that we get to teach them with the help of His Spirit. There is almost nothing better! I love the people I serve and can´t wait to find more of these amazing souls!
Elder Jensen
Roller skating |
Trying to get Elder Sanchez to fall down |